Známe zoznamy filtrov pre Adblock Plus

Below is a list of the actively maintained filter subscriptions that we're aware of. To subscribe to a filter list, click its "Subscribe" link. Please note that you shouldn't add too many filter subscriptions.

Na blokovanie reklám


Malware protection

Notification blocking


Privacy protection

Social media blocking

Nevidíte tu váš zoznam filrov? Pošlite nám informácie, ktoré by ste tu radi videli. Prosím dajte nám na známosť všetky informácie ohľadom pôvodu filtrov a preferovaný kontakt na vás v prípade nahlásenia chýb a nezrovnalostí, ak by nejaké nastali. Bolo by dobré ešte doplniť, aký čas máte na opravenie filtra ak príde hlásenie o chybe.

All filter lists on this page are maintained by third parties. eyeo, the company behind Adblock Plus, has no control over them. We only list them to help you find subscriptions that may be useful for you. In no case shall eyeo be held liable towards you, or any other third party, for any loss or damage (including, but not limited to, loss of chances and of business) deriving directly or indirectly from your use of these lists.